A brief history of 3D printing

Darwin Printer

A word about the history of 3D printing 3D printing dates back to 1976, when the inkjet printer was invented. In 1984, adaptations and advances in the concept of inkjet transformed inkjet printing technology to material-based printing. Over the last few decades, there has been a wide variety of applications of 3D printing technology that […]

ABS and PLA: Differences, advantages and disadvantages.


Day after day, articles appear in newspapers, magazines and the internet: new applications (most experimental or industrial printers), new personal printers, reviews of existing printers… But little is said about the consumable, in this case plastic, which once the printer is purchased is the main expense we will have. In this article we will talk […]

Definitive Guide to the Different Filaments for 3D Printers

Filaments for 3D printing

In this small guide we summarize the different existing filaments, their features, applications, advantages and disadvantages, and also give you some tips for use when printing in 3D with each of them. When printing in 3d, all the advantages and disadvantages offered by the materials used must be taken into account, without forgetting the printing […]