Besides its transparency and odourless processing features ClearScent ABS is nearly warp-free, has an excellent thermal stability and its 3D printing flowing behaviour is fine-tuned for optimal 3D printing results.
Unique features
- Transparent ABS filament
- 90% light transmittance with 2.2% haze
- Nearly odourless processing / printing
- No unpleasant ABS smell
- Very easy to print
- Warp-free printing and no deformation after cooling
- Improved flowing behaviour and inter-layer
adhesion - Good first layer adhesion to several heated print surfaces
- Good chemical resistance
- Post-processing with Acetone , TetraHydroFuran (THF) and other Analogous Solvents
General printing guidelines *
*) Above displayed settings are meant as guidance to find your optimal print settings. These ranges in settings should work for most printers, but please do feel free to experiment outside these ranges if you think it is suitable for your printer. There are a lot of different type of printers, hot-ends and printer offsets that it is extremely difficult to give an overall one-size-fits-all setting.
Nozzle size: ≥ 0.15mm | Layer height: ≥ 0.1mm | Flow rate: ± 100% |
Print temp: ± 220 – 260° C | Print speed: Medium | Retraction: Yes ± 5mm |
Heat bed: ± 90 – 100° C | Fan speed: 0-25% | Experience level: Beginner |
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